Favorite couple meme

May 26, 2009 10:10

Name your 10 absolutely favorite couples (het/slash/canon/fanon) and ask people to see what trends they notice about your couples. Try to pick different fandoms. Taken from a few people I've seen around, most lately femmenerd. I'm pretty bad about spotting patterns sometimes, so if I haven't replied to yours that's probably why.

1. Erik/Persian (Phantom of the Opera)
2. Kirk/Spock (Star Trek: TOS) (runner-up: Kirk/robot!or-evil!Kirk)
3. Spike/Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
4. Mulder/Scully (The X-Files)
5. Cooper/Audrey (Twin Peaks)
6. T.E. Lawrence/Ali-Feisal (depending on the film: I lump LoA!Ali and Dangerous Man!Feisal together)
7. Erik/Christine (Phantom of the Opera)
8. Darcy/Lizzy (Pride and Prejudice)
9. Valmont/anyone (Dangerous Liaisons)
10. Luke/Leia (Star Wars)

Interesting how this doesn't pick up on the nuances, as in, I might like only a specific sort of story with any of these pairings.

For example, in canon I'm not a Mulder/Scully shipper, but I love me some UST. In fic, I'll do UST or RST if it's done well and I LOVE them. And some of my favorite characters I just do not ship in canon, even if I like thinking about it. Lawrence is one, and Holmes another, though I'll gladly read either done well. I almost put Doctor/Martha on there, but I don't actually read it--I just want it to be true, or something. Likewise Shatner/Welles. WHAT? IT SHOULD TOTALLY EXIST. But with time travel.

As for Erik/Christine, I put it there because it's historically important to me and also because I still secretly yearn for it. Even if I now need it to be rather more messed up and less romantic than when I was little.

Also this ignores kink pairings like self/self that can occur in crackish fandoms like Star Trek and Doctor Who and stuff. Or anyway could even if I don't see them. But maybe that's another meme?

Also, I don't think I'm awfully shippy. I had a hard time coming up with these. I mean there are a few that are tried and tested, but otherwise I'm pretty neutral, or else the fandoms are so small that I feel I'll read Hamlet/anyone or there's no fic about Fire and Hemlock or whatever. Plus I probably am just forgetting a lot. Also disappointed by lack of femslash, but again, that's really specific to the story or one character or the other and not the couple.

Anyway, as for my list above, the most obvious parallel I see is between Erik/Persian and Lawrence/AliFeisal. Comrades, ethnic differences, disturbed stand-offish guy and companion, etc.

Any thoughts?

fandom, fandom: pairings, memes

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