Doctor Who 3x10 - "Blink"

Jun 12, 2007 21:11

So. The first thing you'll want to know is...

Yup. It was.

But it could have been better.

I loved it. It was an excellent horror plot; very scary, deftly dealt mumbo jumbo (which "it dings when there's stuff" freely acknowledges the presence of), some choice lines--everyone's repeated all the good bits, I'm sure--but it was way too short.

See, this story could have been more. Moffat had enough time to hit all the plot points he needed to make it work. And granted, lots of the time they sacrifice the plot for the sake of some effect or some chase scene or something "sexy." I *like* that this is wrapped up neatly. I like teasing it out and not being forced to endure too much stupidity. But I liked Sally (well, she *was* hot) and I liked the story and it'd have been nice to spend more time with it. That's what DW should be about: the plotty, time-twisty bits in with the Doctor being eccentric. And there was a bit of that. But I could have watched it a lot longer.

This, though, is the show they wanted when they did "Love & Monsters" last year--a fan-oriented tie-in to the characters of the series. We all want to be Sally Sparrow, don't we, and we're all sort of Larry, compiling trivia from television to solve some grand plan. We only wish, right? But it's so much cleverer than the explicit "Love & Monsters" scenario, even though I liked that one well enough until the horrid paving stone incident which I think ranks up there with the Family's punishments.


I have a shirt with a weeping angel on it that says "DON'T LOOK DOWN" that I think is a band or something. I got it from the lost and found at my friend J's high school. But anyway. It reminds me of this episode. I think I'll wear it tomorrow.

Edited to add: Actually, the shirt is of a woman in an old-fashioned bathing suit with wings, and she's not weeping. Funny what your memory does, what?

And hey; even if DW is never as good again as it's been the past three weeks, I can take "life is short and he's hot" as my mantra.

television, television: doctor who

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