i may as well sign up for dogster, now...

May 07, 2007 20:07

#I just realized I'm feeding Mr. Darcy all natural free-range chicken strips. For dogs.

#It's time to go through the cd collection again and put everything in the right cases. You have no idea how much I wanted to listen to Joseph Arthur's Big City Secrets right now. But it's roughly equal to how disappointed I am that I can't.

#I got birthday money. But I've suddenly become old and responsible, and I can't rationalize spending it on presents for myself. Because I do that all the time, don't I?

#The best bit of last week's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me: Upon quoting Bush saying he's "the commander guy," someone said, "Do you ever get the feeling Stan Lee's scripting this entire administration?" Excelsior, True Believers!

#There is entirely too much waiting in my life right now. No word on house or auditions. That's on top of general anxiety over hiking for 5 days next week and book proposals.

#Embarrassing fact: I've been listening to 70's soft rock. I have no idea why, except that it was probably what I heard most growing up, so now I feel all squishy and nostalgic. Don't tell anyone.

#This video of a dancing horse is awesome. Yes, I know it's called dressage. But still! It's cool! Thanks to... was it synaesthete7?

#If I was either more clever or less lazy, I'd have bolded words or letters to spell a message to you. But I am not either of those things.

#The fact that there are Japanese girls doing Phantom in drag is just about the most awesome thing ever.

#The phone rang while I was typing this. It was not a casting director or a real estate agent. It was my best friend, so that was cool. But come on!

links, life, random

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