Feb 05, 2006 14:00
What time is it? PARENT BASHING TIME! *crowd goes wild*
Okay so basically here's the scoope. I can't do like crap for crap anymore and it drives me nuts. My parents suck ass. I greatly lack in the hobby department anymore and I despise it.
I can't dance anymore is basically what it comes down to. If I wanted I could dance once a week on Thursday but I have to work on Thursdays which means I'd be really busy all night and I get stressed if I'm overly busy and have a lot of hw.
I miss dancing 3 days a week. And see I could possibly quit work, but even so that's still only one day a week adn with that you won't get anywhere. It'd be nearly pointless. Yes I would get to dance for a short period of time but not enough to make any imporvements over a decent amount of time. It's like a cross country runner running a mile every week... instead of the insane 8 miles 4 days a week.
Now take the reason for not being able to dance and apply it to any other physical hobby I enjoy. Do you have any idea how annoy it is to go from like badass-in shape- person to soemone who does nothing and therefore has become overly compulsive with and doing homework/school because it's the onyl thign TO do? It's pretty much annoying as shit considering there's about 90 ga-gillion things I'd gladly try out/do/work at if given the chance but my parents dont seem to be too fond of the idea of me leaving the freakin house.
Next comes the guitar. My parents aren't even fond of that! My mom doesnt like noise therefore amps arent good, my dad wanted to make ME pay matt for lesson suntil I convinced him otherwise. And now he's stuck on the idea I'm not going to learn how to play. I had to give up my whole christmas to get the guitar I wanted, that kinda ticks me off at the thought of it.
Why couldn't they jsut support a fuckin hobby I wanted?
Samby dad bought him a new drum set, and samby's parents arent the richest people. Samby's dad also boguht jerrod a bass!
Tyler always ends up with new symbols after he's beats the shit outta them. He gets supported and yet they never have food
Jason's parents got him a bass and amp (yes I realize it took them friggin logn enough to start bein supporitve but either way, they did it)
Then matt's parents support him with all his mx and guitar stuff.
Buuutt I can't do shit because a. my dad won't pay for any of it b. my mom wont pay for any of it c. I'ma t my dads mon-wed. because my mom is too lazy to drive there fore I couldn't GET to anywhere even if I wanted because we all know my dad has too many "importnat" thigns to do
Oh and so I was asking if I could take kickboxing hte other day sicne I can't do anythign else and ya know what I got a *big ass sigh* and a IDK from my mom.
In conclusion I miss track/polevaulting, dancing, pilates and there's about 23424 other things I'd be willing to do instead but can't do anythign because my parents suck.
One last thing here... I WISH MY MOMW OUDL GO UPSTAIRES. I can't stand being around hre when i just wanna crack her in the face. She keeps just walkin right in and askin em shit and i'm pretty sure its reeaaaalllyy annoying. ANd I jsut want to bea thte hell outta my bag and go to sleep.
End of complaint.