Halloween, election... and stuff

Nov 02, 2004 17:00

Did anyone know that The Sims 2 is addicting?
I know.

Well, hello. Hope you all are fine out there in the big, scary world.
Today there's the election. Kerry vs Bush. I will follow it eagerly. Can't say exactly who I want to win. Kerry sounds more human and smart than Bush. I think USA could be a more accepting country with him as a president. A guy like him, a democrat, would definitely be good for the US and its development. BUT. But, but, but. Kerry wants to withdraw all the soldiers from Iraq. Sure, that's good. I'm not complaining. Bush was far to aggressive. But... what's the point in withdrawing the armies NOW? Then everything would have been in vain. Bush has messed alot of things up; let him make everything alright again. Let him finish what he began. But then again... maybe Kerry can finish it for him, but... probably not. USA's economy is totally messed up, too. All is Bush's fault, at least alot of it. But he should get another four years to mend the wounds he has caused... I don't know who's the best for the future of the US; Kerry, who erases everything Bush did from every part of Iraq, and starts a new America, forgetting the old things; or a Bush, finishing all the things he began doing, and obviously not is finished with... Both alternatives could be good for USA. Both alternatives could be bad for USA.
Man, this will be so exciting...


I wrote a short Halloween poem at two English lessons a couple of weeks ago. I wanna share it woth you guys. So, here is...

*** Love Ode in Halloween Time ***

The dusk has left
For darkest night
Don't fear, my darling
Hold on tight

Don't be afraid
'Cause it's Halloween
I'm here for you
So be serene

Full moon's watching
Over churchyard bright
Pale ghosts shining
With an eerie light

Feel the chill
Going down your spine
Don't be scared
'Cause everything's fine

It's calm tonight
So be at ease
Just let the old ones
Rest in peace

Hear the rustling
Of the leaves
Relax, and welcome
To the Hallow's Eve


... Mwahahaha.

Oh, btw, I saw "The Ring" a couple of days ago. Fecking scared the crap out of me. And I've got a TV in my room. Waaaah. Had problems sleeping. Though fortunately, I didn't dream anything...
But... MAN, that was a good movie! Kicked some serious butt, it did! Every kid in that movie scared the shit out of me. That's what I've always said; kiddos are dangerous creatures....

poetry, movies, politics

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