
Aug 31, 2008 01:03

The introduction meeting for the Japanese course was this Tuesday, and oh man. I think it will be awesome. I found a girl with practically exactly the same interests as me before the meeting started, so we chatted away the hour and a half that we had to wait, and then there were about ten of us who went after the meeting to buy the last books - and those people were also awesome. They're from everywhere (or, well, from everywhere within the south or west of Sweden...) and they're all happy geeks like myself. w00t. :D

Also, homework for Monday - grammar repetition! 30 pages! Horrible, but I'll make it. Adverbials and subordinate clauses and transitive and intransitive verbs and subortinators and... wahhh. NOT what I think is fun. AT ALL. -_- But it is a necessary evil, and I'll study as much as needed, because... I'M GOING TO LEARN JAPANESE, PEOPLE. :D :D :D

* * *

And you know what's good as well? I'm writing at my vampire stories now and then, just like that. No great breaks between my writing periods. Yet. I just write a little, maybe once a week or every second week, and it's rolling. Slowly, but something happens. It feels great that it doesn't just stop.

My vampires turn 5 years this year, too. Somewhere around now, I think. August or September. Because I started writing about them in August or September 2003. I'm so very, very proud. <3 Thanks for staying with me, Ryan. You've been with me for as long as I've been me, basically. Because I remember myself, my personality, what I like and don't like, from 2003. That's rather cool. So maybe it's my 5th birthday in a sense, as well. :D

Anyway. Happy Birthday, vampires. May you stay with me for many happy years. <3

* * *

EDIT 1:27 AM, August 31 '08: I just changed from S-something 1 to S-something 2 - and my old theme disappeared! I didn't want that... ;____; Oh well... I guess might as well find a more modern theme that I like... but still... my old black one. It will take ages to get used to the new one. ;___;

vampires, japanese, university, lj

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