Aug 12, 2008 22:56
Hola, amigos! <3
Today I was a friend's place - he had his birthday party. When we (two other mates and I) got there, he was dressed in a blue kimono/yukata. Suiting, since we had sushi for dinner. :D And then two of the three DVD's we gave him were anime, so... yes. Suiting indeed. :3 It felt weird when we left a few hours ago though, because it was the last time we'll see him in quite a while. For a few months, at least. He'll run off to Stockholm to study IT engineering there for five years. The rest of us are staying in the area around here, at least. But he's MOVING. ;___; Oh well... at least we can go visit him. Train tickets aren't that expensive if you buy them early on. And he'll probably go home and visit his parents now and then, so I can go over there to see him, too. And he'll be home for Christmas. But... this is one of my best friends moving. Feels weird. Oh well... at least we have MSN messenger...
* * *
Speaking of anime, yukatas, sushi and the likes - I'm a bit giddy about studying Japanese this autumn. Or rather, very giddy. XD I've bought two of the books I'll need, read the first two chapters - doesn't seem too difficult - and I have bought a notebook, and a new bag, and now I'll just need to buy a new case to keep my pencils in. EEEEEEEEE. So fun. XD I'm really, really excited. The introduction meeting is the 26th of August. Fuuun. I wonder what kind of people will be in my class. Hopefully a nice and motley crew who smiles a lot. Then I'll be happy. ^^ (And a girl (or boy) or two who likes to obsess over pretty Japanese boys wouldn't be bad either...)
* * *
And this Thursday things bear off to Greece! To and island where I've never been before; Karpathos. Apparently one of the Most Greek Islands in Greece that is not completely destroyed by tourists. It's supposed to be very beautiful. Does not sound bad. Unfortunately I do not get my own room, but have to share on eiwht my parents. They snore. Loudly. Not fun. I rather like having my own room but... what the heck. They pay. XD I'm just tagging along. Oh, and by the way, we have no idea of WHERE on Karpathos we'll live. We just booked a ticket, hotel with swimming pool included, but... we don't know where. Exciting.
Anyway - I'm planning on bringing a notebook, because I've got a vampire story or two brewing. Of course, they'll take place in Greece. I thought I might get some inspiration while I'm there... I want to have a meet-up with the vamps; my Greek little guy, Alexis, may have a beach party or something, and they'll all be there, talking a lot, thinking a lot, looking back a lot... I want Alexis, who's about 2,400 years old, to have a private little chat by the sea with Dorian, my 117-year-old Londoner. They've had quite different lives, and I think Dorian might find it interesting to hear a bit about Alexis history. Alexis has had quite a turbulent early life, both as a human and as a vampire. No real parents to look after him, he lived on the streets before being taken in to a household were he was mostly used as a beautiful pet, and then he just had a few safe years with his creator after hacing been made a vampire before she died... and so he roamed about for many years, not really knowing where to go or what to do.
Dorian, on the other hand, had a rather secure upbringing, with good friends and everything... he had a few dramatic happenings in his life as well, like when he found out that his Father wasn't his biological father, and that his parents (his mum and his extra-dad) had married just because his mum wasn't going to be an outcast, having become pregnant with a man she couldn't marry because of their different social positions... and then they divorced after a few years, when no one would question Dorian's heritage. Anyway, things work out nciely for him anyway, because he gets to meet his real dad after he turns fifteen, and they manage to form a good relationship, too... and no one is really bitter, because everyone, even Dorian, understands that it was all made to save him and his mother from being social outcasts...
Anyway, I believe Alexis and Dorian can talk about a lot of things. Plus, they'll look beautiful in the sunset. :3 Alexis, dark curls, twinkling chocolate eyes, mischievous smile, simply a young Greek beauty caught in his late teens, and Dorian, a beautiful British, blond angel with sky blue eyes and face like the most beautiful person on earth... aw, man. I need to write this. And I need someone to watch them talking, to describe how they look. Oh, the contrast, the brilliance of their opposite beauties..! <3 The artist in me simply rejoices at the gorgeous sight they make together. XD Seriosly. I hope I manage to write something out of this.
Oh, and then I want David, who's only been a vampire for 14 years, to talk to someone in the Greek evening as well. Maybe Antonius, my Roman guy. I want David to be unusually deep, for a change. I think he's finally beginning to grasp what it means being a vampire, to live untouched by time. Then again - who doesn't grasp that when they talk to someone who was there to see the Roman emperors come and go? Being surrounded by all these old souls in immortal bodies, I think David might begin to see it all from a greater perspective.
I love my vampires. I don't know, but I think they help me to see things from a greater perspective as well, sometimes. I don't know. Anyway - around this time, in August or September, they turn five years. FIVE YEARS. They've lived in my mind for five long years. That's more than a quarter of my life. It feels... cool. I'm so fond of them, and proud of them, and myself, for being able to keep them alive for so long.
I think I'm going to sleep well tonight. I hope you guys will, too. <3