Your Score: Narcissus
0% Extroversion, 33% Intuition, 44% Emotiveness, 76% Perceptiveness
You are viewed by others as tasteless, thick-skinned, inflexible, self-absorbed, arrogant and oblivious. You are Narcissus. You seek out high risk jobs, and jobs that allow you to assert yourself over other people. You also really need your space. You have a strong conformist streak, but you also like to be spontaneous. You also love you. I mean, you REALLY love yourself. You think you're awesome incarnate. But, your flyboy arrogance aside, your bravado lets you accomplish things that others might not be able to.
Famous People like you: Chuck Yeager, Alan Shepard
Stay clear of: Atlas, Prometheus, Daedalus, The Oracle
Seek out: Icarus, Apollo, Hermes
The Greek Mythology Personality Test written by
Aleph_Nine on
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