Oct 10, 2004 21:53
Today was actualy pretty tiring, probably due to the fact that we stayed up till about 6.30AM last night/this morning!(those of you who have read danio's journal will already know this.) Then I went for a big walk up the mountains with my mum at like 12, it was really nice, but I was wrecked, Then I had to come home and make croque monsiuer for everyones lunch, Then FINALLY at about 3oclock, I was able to go to sleep, was lovely! I think I even dreamed about orlando bloom. Then my mum decided that I had to get up at 5oclock, cos I wouldnt be able to sleep tonight if I slept too much during the day! So now I'm absolutely WRECKED! I dont know what I'm at not in bed actualy, I'll be going very soon.
Anyway, i'm so annoyed its sunday evening already, the weekend seems to have flown by so so quickly! It still feels like only saturday or something!
Anyway, I'm going to go on msn for about half an hour, then go to bed, so I'll go now, and update again soon. hopefully I'll actualy have something interesting to say!