Feb 20, 2010 13:28
Have been busy playing Miles Edgeworth game lately~ =p feeling sleepy at work now because of it. =_=
Also, caught up with FMA2 till episode 34. KazuNakai and Youkyan's chara is pretty interesting. I gotta say, when I first started this series...I was pretty annoyed they changed Roy Mustang's voice actor. And 34 episodes later, I'm still not used to MikiShin being Roy Mustang. He's the only complaint I have of the new series. >_> The series look good and story is moving along very well. A lot makes sense now. And I just realized, a lot of the seiyuus in FMA2 was in Gundam OO as well. XDDD MikiShin, Yocchin, Youkyan, Mamo..