update on me.. >_>

Jul 06, 2009 15:19

Been trying to download Anne of Green Gables these couple of weeks.. =_= Ahh~ such bliss when you finally get to watch something which was a part of one's childhood. It makes me feel warm and fluffy and misty-eyed. I can't remember exactly when I last watched it,but I do recall reading every Anne novels I could get my hands on while I was a librarian in high school. :D Finished watching the 1985 original film and downloaded part one of the 1987 remake. Three more parts with less than 10% left to completing the download. \(^_^)/

What I've watched at the shop lately.. hmmm, K-ON..totally otaku-male-stereotype anime. I would've honestly appreciated it more if not for the typical moe-type characters. It reminded me a lot about Lucky Star. T_T I am however, pretty amused that the guitar the main character; Yui, choose is a Les Paul Gibson. And quite a history on the design of that particular guitar too. lol

Ristorante Paradiso..what can I say, age is not a barrier when it comes to love. =p The main character; Nicoletta, is in love with a man old enough to be her father. A restaurant filled with spectacled older gentlemen. oh yah, like Nickie said? megane ossan saikou! rotfl. The story and animation is good. Very nice flow of plot line. I would put it in somewhere along Aria, only this one concentrated more on love stories of various characters. Love comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes. And it usually happens when we weren't looking for it.

Higashi no Eden..this one's interesting, but the cliff-hanger and the supposedly last episode of the tv series is really annoying. Now we have to wait a very long time till the two movies in the making for a closure. That is if they plan to close it. Stupid Production I.G. people. T^T

I should really write drafts of things I want to post. Usually when I do feel like posting something, I ended up not writing much. >_> stupid me.

Work is stressful as usual. Baby niece is cheeky and bully-ish as usual. And I'm broke more than ever as usual. go life~ =_=

anime, life

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