A personal record...

Dec 19, 2008 01:22

So, I've always really enjoyed read...It just took me forever to do it. The quickest I ever read a long chapter book was like a month...Until today.

Ready for a play by play? To bad, here it is any ways...

Sunday night: Get dragged to the mall by my mother. After she buys clothes, we head to the book store. We leave the book store with one special anniversary edition of Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone and Twilight. Get home read some fanfics on the computer then read some more twilight. Fall asleep.

Monday: Get up. Go to school, write a paper to pass a class, go home, read more fanfics then more Twilight. Eat dinner. Read more twilight. Got to sleep.

Tuesday: Get up. Go to school to get to a meeting. Go home cause mom needs the car. Read some Twilight. Go back to school for an after school event. Stay there until about 9. Read twilight in the car ride home. Get home finish a paper to pass another class. Read more Twilight and 4 am. Fall asleep.

Wednesday: Get up. Read some Twilight. Go to school. Have an end-of-semester party. Read some Twilight. Finish part of my transcript (we write ours at my school, cause we don't get grades). Talk with four other girls for two hours about Twilight. Read more Twilight. Go home. Read twilight until I fall asleep (which I don't remember doing, by the way).

Thursday: Wake up. Read twilight until I finish at around four, 4:30.

I finished just a few hours shy of four days. I'm so bad ass. Okay, not really, but that's not the point. The point is a did it and I deserve a round of applause.

I saw the movie before I read the book, it's actually why I started reading it, and it was good. I laughed at inappropriate parts, like the bad covered in gay disco glitter glitter scene, but it was good.

Now, I'm off to bed. it's late...well early actually, but still.


read twilight

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