Apr 08, 2004 15:02
X told NA that N liked him and N told the an cln and so N got a weee bit mad cuz NA was talking bout her in NA's lj.
X actually thought that N wanted them to break up! That's not like X.
Whatever, I don't like X he's a butthole. -_-
The whole an cln and their branched out friends hate K, my K for hating NA without a reason. But of corse you don't see anyone hating X for hating me for no reason. But it's the same thing. X and K are brothers so they're natural opponents and hate each other's girlfriends for and unexplainable reason between the two of them.
Simple as that. Heh.
No fun, ZN and her genious self hasn't talked bad about me...just bad about my amore. Then again each day I forget she sits 5 people away at lunch and that's as close as we ever get. No talking. So she can't really say nething bad