We'll all float on

Nov 14, 2004 23:24

Life has been okay lately. No, things aren't great but that's okay. The cymbalta is kicking my ass. I can hardly stay awake for more than an hour or so at a time, when I am awake it's just a dizzy nauseating blur, with periodic trips to the bathroom to throw up. I know it will wear off soon, well I hope. I don't need another seraquel episode. I ended up dropping Pre-Calc and getting medical leave for school that year. I spent pretty much all of this weekend curled up sleeping, sick and spending all day every day with my parents. Those two are just about the greatest people in the entire world. We rented a whole bunch of movies and watched The Life of David Gale, Levity, and Van Helsing. The Life of David Gale was the best, and it was my pick of course. Church this morning, Nana and pa and Caleb and Alyssa were there so I got to see them for a second weekend in a row!! Today I've been trying to catch up on my stats homework, but I keep falling asleep, and getting too dizzy to focus. I'll just have to get up early tomorrow before class and work on it. I registered for Winter semester. I have to call U of M tomorrow and ask them whether they accept AP scores. According to my Mott advisor, they don't. Which means I would have to take Eng 101 and 102. WTF? GVSU told me because of my AP scores I was exempt from all English and Writing classes, and Mott said because of my AP scores and English placement test and ACT scores I didn't have to take any...but U of M just wants to make money off kids. So I gotta call them tomorrow and find out what's up with that. Otherwise, I've applied for my Associates of Art degree from Mott, I will *hopefully* graduate this Spring, I already got accepted to U of M last winter, so all I have to do is get them my transcipts, and I'm all set. The cool thing is, is that with the exception of the stupid english classes, I have completed U of M's General Education requirements, so...come fall, I can officially start work on my Major!! I still need two semesters of a foreign langauge for my major so in the fall, I'm taking Arabic from Mott still. So it's all working out! Which is why life is okay, because everything works out. There's no point in worrying. "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself..." And with that, it's off to bed for the 234829384729348 time today!

"Atreyu waded and waded. For how long he didn't know. The mist grew thicker and he felt as if he were blind and deaf. It seemed to him that he had been wandering around in circles for hours. He stopped worrying about where to set his foot down, and yet, he never sank in above his knees..."
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