Oct 24, 2004 16:23
Your full name:: Taylor Marie Boyle
Age:: 13
Height:: err i dont know
Natural hair colour:: like dark brown
Eye colour:: cute little blue eyes
Number of siblings:: a sister
Glasses/contacts?:: no
Piercings:: yeah 2
Tattoos:: they are stupid
Braces?:: nope.
Colour:: pink white and green
Band:: hmmm outkast
Song:: too many to pick from
Stuffed animal:: Ellie my pink elephant
Video game:: a mario game..i dont know tha name
TV show :: freinds or boy meets world or desprate housewives
Movie:: woah..how can you expoect me to choose. i effing love like every movie
Book:: umm gossip girl novels
Food:: umm something of my heritage like sutffed cabage or some polsih sausage.yummie
Game on a cell phone:: uhh dont play those..sorry
CD cover:: i dont know
Flower:: red roses
Scent:: umm like right after it rains during spring or new car smell
Animal:: ducks or squirrls
Comic book:: dont read those..loser
Cereal:: umm cinnamon toast crunch
Website:: google
Cartoon:: umm dunno
Play an instrument?:: no but im teaching myself drums
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: i dont know..proably not
Like to sing?:: i sing in the shower and when im home alone. the neighbors proably think im carzy
Have a job?:: no but i depretly need one..i want more money.
Like to play sports?:: sure
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: no :/
Have a crush on someone?:: yeah..its a biggie
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?:: no
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: yeah
Have any special talents/skills?:: well i can eat my weight in a half hour..yeah
Excercise daily?:: well i used to do tai-chi and yoga mixed but that didnt work out so no..i should tho
Like school?:: no i hate it w/ a passion
Sing the alphabet backwards?:: no
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: yeah..it hurts
Speak any other languages?:: hah a little bit of spanish
Go a day without food?:: hahahahahahahahahah are you crazy man?
Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: i have staed up for 48 hours
Read music, not just tabs?:: huh?
Roll your tongue?:: noo
Eat a whole pizza?:: havent tried..i bet i could tho
Snuck out of the house?:: yeah
Cried to get out of trouble?:: yeah
Gotten lost in your city?:: does walmart count?
Seen a shooting star?:: nope at least i dont think so
Been to any other countries besides the united states?:: yeah
Had a serious surgery?:: nope
Stolen something important to someone else?:: no
Solved a rubiks cube?:: like i could do that..
Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: yeah
Cried over a girl?:: like freinds..yes
Cried over a boy?:: yeah
Kissed a random stranger?:: no
Hugged a random stranger?:: no
Been in a fist fight?:: kinda w/ lauren harris.lol
Been arrested?:: nope
Done drugs?:: no
Had alcohol?:: not today
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:: eww.grodyy
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: yeah and this lady got really pissed off.
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a
holiday/etc?:: haha no..who would even do that
Swore at your parents?:: never like the fuck word
Been to warped tour?:: no
Kicked a guy where it hurts?:: yeah
Been in love?:: no
Been close to love?:: nope
Been to a casino?:: of course i have been to one..but it doesnt mean i gamled..wish i could tho
Ran over an animal and killed it?:: no..aww how sad
Broken a bone?:: no i dont think so
Gotten stitches?:: yeah..it sucked
Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:: no..maybe i should tho...
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: no
Made homemade muffins?:: yes i like to bake
Bitten someone?:: hah yeah my sister has a scar on her sholder fomr when i bit her when i was 2
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?:: yeah both
More than 5 times?:: proably
Been to niagra falls?:: yeah
Burped in someones face?:: eww no
Gotten the chicken pox?:: yeah..i got out of school for like a week and a half it was cool
Brushed your teeth:: this morning
Went to the bathroom:: like a long time ago
Saw a movie in theaters:: ahhhh the grudge on friday..omfl it was sooooooo scaryy
Read a book:: thursday
Had a snow day:: like a billion cajillion years ago
Had a party:: hmm..i havent really had a like "party"
Had a slumber party:: does a sleepover count?
Made fun of someone:: proably liek 10 minutes ago
Tripped in front of someone:: hah im clumsy so i dont keep count anymore
Went to the grocery store:: hmm i dont remember
Got sick:: i dont remember
Cursed:: a lil bit ago..when i remeember i had to type a paper for science. but then when i was done i realized it wasnt due until tuesday..im dumb
Fruit/vegetables:: mm both
Black/white:: white
Lights on/lights off:: depends what your doing.
TV/movie:: movie
Car/truck:: car
Body spray/lotion:: uhh do you mean lotion spray b/c i have that..?
Cash/check:: cash
Pillows/blankets:: blankets
Headache/stomach ache:: stomach aches bc then you dont feel like your head is being squeezed
Paint/charcoal:: paint..loser
Chinese food/mexican food:: ahh how can i pick those are my two most favorites besides polish food.
Summer/winter:: hard to pick bc my b day is in winter but i like summer bc you get tan. so i dont know
Snow/rain:: rain
Fog/misty:: misty of course
Rock/rap:: rap baby
Meat/vegetarian:: carnivore
Boy/girl:: boys
Chocolate/vanilla:: both
Sprinkles/icing:: i dont like icing or sprinkles so neither
Cake/pie:: vanilla cake or apple pie..very american
French toast/french fries:: french fries
Strawberries/blueberries:: strawberries
Ocean/swimming pool:: pool bc its cleaner but the ocean is nice to sit by.lol
Hugs/kisses:: both
Cookies/muffins:: cookies
p33n/bewbz:: ahahahahah what?
Wallet/pocket:: wallets
Window/door:: windows
Emo/goth:: eww freak
Pink/purple:: pink!
Cat/dog:: doggie
Long sleeve/short sleeve:: hmm i dont know
Pants/shorts:: pants
Winter break/spring break:: winter break bc then i come back like ridicolusily tan in feburary and nobody else is. ahha
Spring/autumn:: wow hard choice.
Clouds/clear sky:: clouds..they add charcter
Moon/mars:: moon
How many friends do you have?:: i dont know..more than 4
What are their names?:: you want me to name them all..k no thanks
Do you have a best friend?:: i should certinly hope so
Have you ever liked one of your friends?:: yeah (he was a guy..der)
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:: girl
Have you ever lost a friend?:: joel..he was a cutie and britney
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:: no
Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?:: gosh way to many to say..but heres one..do you want some candyy..its in my pocket..
Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:: yeah
Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?:: im not sure
Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?:: im not sure also
Do you miss any of your old friends?:: yeah
What friend have you known the longest?:: amanda h.
Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?:: i try not to regret anything
If so, what is it?:: n/a
How often do you spend time with your friends?:: quite often
Do any of your friends drive?:: yeah tanya but now she is at college
Has a friend of yours ever died?:: no
Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?:: most recent is too long to explain but it was funny
What do you think your friends think of you?:: i dont know..i kind of dont want to know
Have you ever been in love?:: nope
If you have, with who?:: n/a
Are you single?:: yeah..its depressing
Are you in a relationship?:: no
If so, for how long?:: n/a
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: yeah..i just want to find him now
What is your idea of a dream date?:: out to eat either mexican or chinese and like then go dancing then go back to his or my place and talk all night.
What was your first kiss like?:: retarted
How old were you when you got your first kiss?:: first grade im pretty sure
Do you think love is a load of shit?:: not at all
Whats the best experience youve ever had with the opposite sex?:: this one night that was great..to long to explain tho
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?:: yeah
Have you ever been dumped?:: yep
Have you ever dumped someone?:: yeah
Whats the most sexual thing youve done with the opposite sex?:: uhh i dont know
Slippers:: fuzzy
Hat:: hair
Hard:: candy
Free:: money
Space:: out
Taste:: yum
Good charlotte:: band
Red:: rose
Deep:: meanings
Heart:: love
Cord:: electrical
Cheese:: mouse
Rain:: fall
Work:: job
Pedal:: bike
Head:: smart
Bed:: sleep
Fluff:: pillow
Hardcore:: kassel..god i miss corrie we never talk anymore :(
Race:: win
Knife:: cut
Jump:: rope
am:: fresh out of the shower
want:: ...... dont wanna say
need:: to leave this place
crave:: pudding
love:: this one guy..
hate:: people who lie
did:: i dunnno
feel:: sad
miss:: fifth grade
am annoyed by:: almost everything right now
would rather:: be eating
am tired of:: school
will always:: love him..
What is your favourite genre of music?:: uhh i dont know.if its a good song i like it doesnt matter to me.
What time is it now?:: 10:42 pm
What day is it?:: sunday
Whens the last time you called someone?:: i called jane to remind her to write her experimental design for her science fair project..yeah im doing one too..im a nerdd
How much money do you have right now?:: gosh like 3 dollars.it makes me mad
Are you hungry?:: not exaclty i sjut bored
Whatcha doin?:: watching baseball and filling out this survey thing
Do you like parades?:: i always watch the thanksgiving day parade so sure i guess so
Do you like the moon?:: sure..it deosnt bother me
What are you going to do when youre done with this?:: sleep and worry about tomorrow
Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: yeah it sounds like im saying cuupa
If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: o0o0o umm read minds and fly and be invisible and go verrry fast oh and reverse time
Have you ever had a picnic?:: yeah it was fun
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:: yeah i was pretty good
What about sock em boppers?:: errr no
Are you wearing any socks right now?:: no i jsut painted my toes hehe
funny?:: i dont know..proably not
pretty?:: not ugly but prettier than like ashley hummel
sarcastic?:: actually my sister yelled at me todfay for being too sarcastic so yeah
lazy?:: yeah..i should be more active
hyper?:: sometimes
friendly?:: yeah..mostly
evil?:: no..sometimes
smart?:: hahah no but im good in langugae arts bc its easyy
strong?:: yeah man i gave my sister a piggy back ride! yeah i know.
talented?:: no not at all
dorky?:: ves very
high:: i dunno
skip:: hannah (long story)
dance:: jane or natlie
lonely:: me
pen:: this is pretty random
flower:: sissy (she wore a flower in her hair one day)
window:: alina
psycho:: amanda h.
brain freeze:: austin and his slurpees
orange:: melinda
sassy:: sissy (sounds the ssame)
jelly:: amy dont knwo why tho
suicide:: against
love:: for
drunk drivers:: against
airplanes:: for..they are great
war:: against..its pretty dumb.stay in your own counrty and no one will get hurt
canada:: umm ok..for i guess i dont have any thing against them
united states:: for..i live here
rock music:: for..why not
gay marriage:: for..it seems wrong not let ppl be together
school:: against..i dont like it one bit
surveys:: for..they are fun
parents:: for.they help me w/ homework and give me meony but im pretty sure i could manage my own life if i had to
cars:: for but they should be like solar or elecctraicl
killing:: against man..are you crazy
britney spears:: i dont know..i dont really care
coffee:: for
pants:: for
Sky dive?:: yeah
Play strip poker?:: yeah
Run away?:: no not now
Curse at a teacher?:: no proably
Not take a shower for a week?:: if i got a ton of money and got to stay home
Ask someone out?:: i have
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: i dont think so
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: yeah that would be great
Go scuba diving?:: i have
Write a book?:: sure but it would take ne like 15 years
Become a rockstar?:: nope
Have casual sex?:: when im older..i dunno
What shampoo do you use?:: brilliant brunnette or raplh lauren
Whens the last time you did something sexual with the opposite
sex?:: mm i dont know
What kind of computer do you have?:: a gateway
What grade are you in?:: 8
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: no..i dont even like the popcorn
Or just make out?:: is this part of another question or what im confused?
How many posters do you have in your room?:: i dont think i have any
How many cds do you have?:: i dont like cd's so i ahve like only 10
What time is it now?:: 11: 01
got this from a random girls journal that i connetcted from a whole bunch of people..yeah im cool
my journal still isnt done.
help me.
school is tomorrow and im not looking forward to it.
my weekend was good. amanda cam over the whole weekend and i saw the grudge. omfl it was sooooo scary. but i wann see it again.
<333333 im bored