I have been trying to focus on eating (and making my husband eat) more whole foods, less processed foods. Part of this is cooking more meals from scratch. Tonight I made a successful dinner without a recipe! It's really basic but I was proud! I thought it all up in my own little head. *Tee hee*
My Homemade Beef Stroganoff (or, I Don't Need No Hamburger Helper!)
1 lb ground beef (I used that Laura's lean beef that I had in the freezer from when it was on sale and I stocked up.)
1 16 oz box Kroger organic rotini
About half or a little more of a 32 oz carton of Imagine organic beef broth
1 cup Kroger organic milk
Organic whole wheat flour
Fresh ground organic pepper to taste
Sea salt to taste
Organic bulk olive oil
I cooked the pasta in salted water, and I browned the ground beef in a little bit of olive oil (healthy fat!) For the sauce, I combined the beef broth, about a cup of milk, pepper, salt, and enough flour to make it the thickness that I wanted. I heated it up and whisked until it thickened, then let it set up, adding more flour as needed. Then I added a little bit of broth and some pepper to the beef and let it simmer. I combined it all in a big bowl and Voila, dinner! This made a lot of beef stroganoff, so we ate half of it and froze the other half for another day. The best part is it was cheap! Not counting the pantry staples (milk, flour, pepper, salt and olive oil), I spent $3.12 on the beef, $1.69 on the pasta, and $2.79 on the broth (and I still have some broth left.) So that equals out to $7.60 for the whole batch (4 meals) or $1.90 per person per meal. And half the batch was plenty for us to both have seconds. Now I just have to figure out what to make for dinner tomorrow! I do plan on trying to make a couple loaves of bread from scratch tomorrow (keep one out, freeze one.)
For anyone who didn't see this... This link was posted in naturalliving today:
HFCS is not 'natural', says FDA! I was so excited when I saw it because Amanda and I were just talking about this yesterday. We need to banish that nasty stuff from our diets.