Cheesy yes, but I can't help it, darnit! I'm so excited to be back here on Livejournal! They tell me I haven't posted in 24 weeks, and let me tell you, it seems like forever. Life, really, is what got in the way. I had a very, very stressful last few months, and I became overwhelmed and basically just shut down. But let's not talk about that today, because everything is looking up and I am feeling a-ok. Writing is really such a wonderful stress reliever for me, not to mention an outlet of self-expression. And what else is a wonderful stress reliever? GARDENING! Whoo-hoo! I think I actually had gardening withdrawl and depression this winter. One night I was in bed, thinking about digging in the backyard and I swear I could actually smell the dirt. I cannot wait for Spring.
So, on that subject, here's a run-down of last year's pioneering gardening attempts:
Grown successfully:
- Spinach out the wazoo
- Tomatoes (Slicers, Roma, Cherry and Yellow Pear) out at least 2 wazoos, if that's possible
- Romaine lettuce did quite well
- Very pretty sunflowers
Grown less successfully... Unsuccessful:
- Carrots (All that work and less than half a lb of carrots I think!)
- Beets (I grew about 3 small beets)
- Bell peppers (ONE TINY PEPPER!)
- Corn was a miserable failure :)
Buuuut! I'm going to try a lot of it again this year and hopefully I will do better now that I have more experience. Maybe not the corn though... *shudders* I'll write a detailed entry about my gardening dreams, coming soon!
I do want to say one thing about last season and my green living attempts that got put on the back burner. There were a lot of different problems... lack of money, stress from family problems, health issues... but I think what broke the camel's back was when I had to give up my chickens. Yes, my babies (whom you can see
here) Camilla, Bernice and Henrietta. I was told that as long as they were clean and quiet the city didn't mind my having chickens, but someone in the neighborhood complained 3 times and finally a guy came out here and told me I had to get rid of them. He said he personally didn't care if I had them but he had to respond to he complaints. I kept the coop very clean and they were all hens who made no noise... If I could afford a privacy fence no one would have known that I had them. Thankfully the lady I got them from took them back and they have a good home. But I raised them from babies and they treated me like Mama. It just broke my heart and I feel silly admitting that because they were just chickens... but I loved them.
Anyway, everything is much better now so expect lots of entries!