Nov 28, 2004 03:04
it has been a while but i just really havent felt like updating lately. last night i went over to mollys with emily and it was pretty fun except that my camera broke! i was so pissed. i didnt get a warranty on it so i dont know if im going to get another one or not, and i cant find the cord to put the pictures on the computer so i dont know if that works either. but anyways, lately i haven't done much. on thanksgiving after a whole day with all of the people in my huge family, me, my cousin emily, kathrine, and Elizabeth, all went over to laurens house and left around 1:00 am to go to the mall and it was so crowded. and there was this guy thta kept calling them and they are all thirteen but the guy has a cousin that is my age so we decided to meet them but by the time we found them we only had about 30 minutes left. So we only got to go in about four stores and i didnt buy anything. it wasnt that fun. but after that we came back to my house and we went to bed around 6, and last night we went ot bed around 4 so my sleeping time is way off and that is why i am up at 3:00 in the morning updating my journal. and now i dont have anytihng else to say so bye.