Dec 01, 2006 17:08
Comment and I\'ll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter.
After, post this in your journal, and give out some letters of your own.
Gave me: K!
1.Kristina- my best friend since age 5
2.Kibbles and bits- cause they feed my dog
3.Kites- Cause they\'re pretty
4.Katze- Cat in German. Ich liebe katze under gemuse suppe.
5.Kaxy- Because its a nice proxy
6.Kevin- is a good friend of mine
7.KEITH!!!-Cause I fucking love him to death! I didnt mean for him to be #7.
8.Kool-aid- Cause I love it.
9.kilts- because they\'re funny
10.Krats- cause I didnt even notice its Stark backwards for 6 months. lmfao.
Nice. Saruh you gave me a hard letter. but..K. K is for Keith. So I love it.