Oct 17, 2006 17:25
Who loves Keith Janis?
I do I do I dooo-ooooo!
Yeah. I actually have to think of something to write. So. Brb while I wander around the house searching for material to write. Which is funny cause I just said brb and you wouldnt even know because it isn't an IM..and I usually never shut up and I always come up with something to talk about so I wonder why I'm trying to figure out what to say when I probably have something lodged int he back of my brain that I've been waiting to write on LJ but have been to lazy to actually get on here. Notice how long that sentence was. Yes. No commas or periods. Which means..if you were reading that out loud and I could have just killed you with a giant run on sentence. I'll try not to do that if you try not to read my journal out loud. Even though its online and I let people read it. Whatever.
Hmmm..has anything interesting happened? Maybe. I gotta remember.
Oh yeah.
So..the school still has LJ blocked. Which means Saruh is probably not going to read this anymore. Unless she gets bored at home..but who can be bored when your house is old and scarey and you and your little brother are scared of it? Yeah. Thats right Saruh. Andy told me about how you two are scared of your house. Thats why I wanna spend the night. Plus I make delicious french toast and popcorn..so you have to try it cause I know you love french toast.
Anyway back to other stuff.
My drawing for art was finished the other day. I think it looks decent considering how I cant draw and such. Now we're on oil crayons..and its actually not that bad..but I love to color so it doesnt matter anyway.
Gym..we started soccer. fun shit fun shit.
Blachhh. No one cares about school. What the hell am I doing!?
So. Me and Keith. We're perfect. :) Yesterday we went through the woods and my foot slipped in the water..and it was hilarious. I loved it. Hey..I fell in the rouge and I'm okay. At least I didnt slip on a condom and fall in. lmfao. I think I told Morgan that story about him. Ha.
Anyway. I say anyway a lot. Hmmmmmmmmm.
I think I need a new layout for lj. But I like this one. Heh.
Keith reads my LJ's now..so I cant say anything bad about him anymore..
Just kidding Keith. I could never say anything bad about you.
Umm...So..Saturday is going to be really fun. :)
OH! Last week was the worst week ever. Seriously. I was just not having a fun time at all. I couldnt even make it fun. The only good parts about it were Keith and a few friends.
nevermind. I thought I heard Keiths car. I was gonna kill myself if he came over as a surprize..cause I look like hell. lol
Yeah. Saturday. :) I cant wait.
Keiths hours changed too so he doesnt work the weekend this week..I hope it stays like that..cause I would rather him work at 6 wenesday through friday then work on saturday and sunday and sometimes friday or something gay like that.
COME ON KEITH. What were you thinking when you got those hours when you first started that job!?
So I need to stop rambling. I'm just glad theres no run on sentences for you guys to suffocate on.
Hey..anyone know when the next pep assembly is?