My Factions character (Assassin/Ranger) hit level 18 last night thanks to a few relatively easy quests that I'd forgotten to do back near the beginning areas. No small accomplishment since my highest level Prophecies character was only level 14. My gripe at this point is that there aren't really any quests designed for my level that I can find. Everything is either way too tough (level 20+) or way too easy (and probably already done). World of Warcraft very rarely suffered from this kind of 'quest scarcity'. So a grinding I will go until I'm capable of handling some tougher areas. Part of the problem is definitely that the Assassin profession is not good at soloing at all. Their high damage output is severely balanced by a horrible defense and poor armor. So I die a lot.
I attended a brief Windows Vista presentation on main campus this morning. It was interrupted by a fire alarm, but I got a chance to take a gander at the new Explorer interface. There are some real improvements there (filtering, category view) as well as some superfluous crap. I like the fact that the icons are all vector drawn and scalable - but when am I ever going to need my folder icons to take up the whole fucking screen? Never, that's when. Pitty that the doof who was actually giving the presentation was so enamored with the huge-icon feature instead of any technical information about the OS. Lame.
And just for the hell of it, here is a picture of
nekosmuse sans hair.