A meme for the dying minutes of the week.

Jan 29, 2006 22:16

A meme nicked from waiwode because it seems interesting.

Name a CD you own that no one else on your friends list does.
"Dead Can Dance Live in Toronto" which is a live recording of the show I saw in October.

Name a book you own that no one else on your friends list does.
A signed copy of "Shadows of the Mind" by Roger Penrose.  A thoughtful book which discusses Penrose's argument against strong A.I..  Penrose illustrates his thesis via mathematical logic, including detailed discussions of Godel's proposition of incompleteness, Turing's machines and computabilities, quantum mechanics, and microbiology. Eventually, Penrose argues that artificial intelligence and computer-controlled expert systems are capable of assisting local human expertise but will not be able to replace such expertise.  Worth the read for anyone interested in artificial intelligence, quantum mechanics, and the science of mind.

Name a movie you own on DVD/VHS/whatever that no one else on your friends list does.
Iron and Silk (1990).  An autobiographical tale about a young man's journey to China for the first time.  While there, he meets and eventually trains with "Iron Fist" Grand Master Pan Qing Fu.  Not the greatest movie, but years ago it served as a sobering counterpoint to all of the high-flying kung-fu movies that I'd been watching, and eventuall lead to my desire to persue martial arts myself.  Master Pan has since immegrated to Canada and runs a studio here.  Master Pan is widely considered one of the greatest living Kung Fu masters in the world and his biography reads like the script to an epic film.  Unfortunately, I own a VHS copy and have no way to actually play it anymore.

Name a place that you have visited that no one else on your friends list has.
This is actually really tough for me, because I haven't done much traveling in my life.  I'm willing to suggest that I'm the only person on my f-list who has visited the Poe House in Baltimore.

Name a piece of technology or any sort of tool you own that you think no one else on your friends list has.
Easy one for me, since I'm such a gadget freak.  Blackberry 8700r, Canon EOS DSLR camera, red Darth Vader light saber, tablet PC, PSP.  You'd think I'm compensating for something.

Bed time now. 


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