A whirlwind of a weekend for everyone I think. Full moon on Saturday must have contributed to various debaucheries. I had two late nights in London this weekend and a pretty big work function tonight. It's been intense. And then I get back to see
this which just blew my freaking mind. Also, we bought ourselves a nifty new digital camera. It's the 6.3 megapixel version of the EOS Digital Rebel. We weren't planning on buying it right away, but it was offered to us for quite a bit less than retail and I just couldn't turn it down. As a result of having a nifty new camera, I ended up taking hoards of pictures at the Renison function tonight. I tried to tell people that I had only just bought the thing, but no one listened. People see someone with a nice camera and they immediately assume that they are a photography buff. Nuts.
And because of all the damn shit going down, we didn't get a chance to watch s2e12 of BSG. Tomorrow.
Bed time. Fuck.