OOC: AU Summaries for AU_Hetalia

May 29, 2009 16:53


In the Naruto AU, Kiku Honda hails from Sunagakue (the Sand Village), as they seem to be very strict, serious business and ready for action. He specializes in Taijutsu (the form of Ninjutsu that's mostly physical), dealing with mostly weapons. His favorite weapon is his katana. He's the type to meditate under water falls and spend hours and hours and hours on end just training. His older brother has helped him through life training but has recently gone missing. No one knows what's happened to him and Kiku is very upset about not being able to find him. Kiku looks about fifteen and is in his Chuunin level.

His older brother is Yao (this pertaining to somewhat actual Hetalia canon, he calls him "aniki" and though Japanese-Chinese relations aren't so good in this AU he got along well with his brother and when he sees China in the role plays he'll be very happy), so seeing him in the AU role play will be fun to do. c:

His relations with other characters aren't very developed, as he's barely left his village other than for missions and has never taken the time to meet outside people, only doing his job. He met a few other shinobi during the Chuunin exams, however, and will possibly recognize Alfred (America) and Gilbert (Prussia) as they were the loudest and out going of the Genin taking the exam.


In this AU, it's... sort of like Loveless except not... really. There's a special breed of human that is born with cat like attributes. The ears and tail, along with claws and fangs, and certain cat like personalities. These people, once held high and considered "special" but over the years they were forced into a slave trade of sorts. These people are bred in all sorts of places, good places and bad and sold to "regular" humans. A pet for a daughter perhaps, or a helper for an elderly family member. Mostly though, they're sold for sex.

Kiku was taken from his breeder when he was just a kitten (that is, about five years old) and was placed under the care of an elderly lady who took care of him like one would a grandchild, seemingly unaware that he wasn't "human". When he was about ten years old, the old woman died and after a few weeks wandering alone he was taken in by a kind man by the name of Herakles Karpusi.

Kiku has a bit of a different personality, being a cat and all, and loves to be cuddled and pet, but still holds that aloof, steely complexion at times. He will recognize Greece of course, and perhaps Prussia, because he house sat for his "master" at times and Northern Italy because he lived in the apartment next to theirs and was often over painting with Greece, but otherwise he's completely oblivious to the other countries.

This is a reference picture for Neko!Kiku: 

He wears little black shorts under his robes. Just so you know.

au summaries, kiku, ooc

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