Jun 12, 2004 13:20
So i think I might have had one of those revelation moments...and for a split second you actually know what's goin on with your life and with your friends' lives...yeah I most definetely had one of those last night... I realized how shitty all of humanity truly is, we dig at people's insides to find weaknesses in order to tear them up while still trying to protect ourselves. It's carnage we all just eat away at each other and never really honestly realize how much damage we end up causing, but than there are those times when we do realize the damage being done but instead of stopping we only make it worse and enjoy it.
I also realized that nothing's really beautiful anymore, I sat and I looked around and beauty...well....its all artificial, man-made, not even I think it's just become some sort of idea, kind of like love. At some point or another we all buy into it but it doesnt really truly exist. Scientists day that we produce a certain scent that attracts only a certain kind of person, that causes a chemical reaction in the other person's brain, this chemical reaction (or feeling known as love) is supposed to last at the max 2 years....how can you genuinely say you are in love with someone? There is no ONE person in the entire world meant for you, its all in your head because if there was wouldn't you already be with them..or maybe that has to do with fate and what not....well there are a milion thoughts going through my brain right now that I cant really process so yea...
Heaven's not a place that you go when you die, its that moment in like when you actually feel alive..and I can't understand how everyone goes on breathing when true love ends....