Yesterday was a mixture of things.
Work was work-like. I semi-trained a new carry out boy. He's going to be alright to work with, I suppose. I'm beginning to like working with the carry-outers. Well...maybe just Ryan and Matt. It's nice to have amusing people to talk to when you're doing absolutely nothing.
In a couple of weeks, I'm going to get to work with Mol! I took a carry-out shift while she's cashiering. I figure...I do most of the carry out stuff anyways, why not officially do it, right? Fun times.
Dinner last night with Randy was kind of weird. He was being a bigger jackass than usual. Then he mentioned some girl that he's "chasing." Don't get me wrong....all of the feelings are gone, but it's still kind of sad when your first teenage love is starting to find someone else.
Then the concert. Me in a car with five males. Haha, I love the twins. They crack me up. They should probably be my best friends. The show....was not so good. First of all, it was sweltering in there. It was almost as packed as it was for Ska Is Dead, only this time it was 90 degrees outside to begin with. 45 cent opened...and they are HORRIBLE. Then Whole Wheat Bread came on. Picture three gangsta-looking black guys (one with gold teeth and a fro) who look like they're going to bust out some Tupac covers......only to begin some awesome white-boy punk-pop. was hilarious. I loved them. After that, though....I started to feel really gross. I was scared that I was going to pass out. It was way too hot and there were way too many people. I had to go outside. The only problem was that there was no we had to hear Streetlight from outside. Nate was being an awesome boyfriend and taking care of me....but I still feel really bad that he missed it.
While there, I saw about four or five of Randy's old friends there, including Munky, which kind of weirded me out.
The way home was filled with 14-year old racial slurs and a new vocabulary word: chinxican. Those boys are going to get their asses kicked someday, I swear.
Um....just so you can see:
Yea. Punk rock.
I had really sad dreams. I barely remember what they were about but I know that I woke up wanting to cry. I also got cramps in both of my calves in the middle of the night.
By the way, lately....I feel really cut off from the rest of the world.
This turned out to be really long. Oops. I have to go and get ready and eat and such before work.