It's things like this.. that make my IQ level seem -100.
x Jet black Love: ..helen keller battled the black people?
x Jet black Love: wasn't she like deaf and blind.
x Jet black Love: i was gonna say. "Hey, if Helen Keller accidently.. somehow called the black people niggers, could they kick her ass? I mean, she DOES have a handicap"
x Jet black Love: yes! ::pops out of box in birthday suit but realizes it's just... inappropriote and grabs box and leaves out of door after pretending to flash an invisible memory eraser machine which is really a popsicle stick::
x Jet black Love: i'm always dramatic in uncalled for situations. That's what makes me special! weeee :D
x Jet black Love: Sonny Doodle Moore
x Jet black Love: get it. sunny doodles. the chips.
x Jet black Love: it's things like that that make my intelligence level so questionable.
x Jet black Love: i know! dude if I quote myself to you right now, you'd probably die
hEr3tic mind: maybe i'd stab myself in the face
x Jet black Love: my phone is ringing
x Jet black Love: and it's on vibrating
x Jet black Love: and it's like dancing around my computer desk
Furthermore, now I understand why Jeremy used to think I was naturally blonde.