Sep 22, 2004 21:27
my4lEttErwOrds: the other day right... walkin' down the road... I saw this black speck in the distance. I brought myself up to a nice speedy jog. slowly into a quick paced power walk *nice visual*.... this black speck got huger and huger. *is that a word? huger*... it ends up being a PENGUIN!!!! OMG!!!!!! hes all making penguin noises and shit. :::mumblejumpbleflflabble:::: penguin noises. I *spedily* pull out my handy-dandy "penguin decoder". hes sayin' "where the FIZZUCK is that damn ICE CREAMMMMMMM.... and some nice cold ice bathes and shit". of course, Im just standin' there with my finger in my nose like "yo, wtf is this s-word." then this bitch starts waddlin' away talkin' his :::penguin::: smack. I was just like "oh shit. that was wack"
damn Im special.