I guess this a pretty stereotypical post I wrote last week or so. . .Wonder it it'll take this time.. Apparently it was "too large", which I'd like to call ironic but sense of irony has become clogged or something ever since Ms. Jagged Little Pill sent that unfortunate-but not ironic-song up the charts. If I've somehow overstepped an unforeseen limit on the amount of hypertext markup language us freeloaders can include in one post. . . well that's pretty sad. My level of HTML fluency is somewhere down there around my level of Estonian fluency. So here's another rehash, lest the pitch of the whymerens from the Wahhhmbulance have faded from memory:
No, I am still without any healthcare provider of any variety, be it mental, physical, animal, mineral, vegetable, muppet, transgender, et cetera et cetera. I *did* reeive a lovely form letter in response to my query at the UIowa Hospitals website. If you disregard my rejection from every department at www.nyspi.org and www.laureate.com , that's response rate of probably near 2% to my attempts to get help from anyone in the entire nation, including the entire administration of Illiois Health and Human Services, including their enormous state-funded psychiatric rehabilitation center
portal for turning the mentally ill population of Chicago into a haloperidoled menial workforce for the factories it owns . 1)www.rogershospital.org was a late entry. "We do not offer shcolarships (news to me. . . and your Webmaster). . . but try (see above) and don't give up hope! Recovery IS possible :):00)!!!!