If you wanted to be saved, all you had to do was say hello.

May 21, 2005 21:16

A forgotten farewell. Here I am, reverting back to the choke on your words and spill your heart out pages where I rant aimlessly or try to pick out every detail of my day to billboard for the nosy-driven people to be virtually aquianted with me. We are all guilty.

First off, I saw Rilo Kiley on Wednesday night and was blown away by Jenny Lewis as well as Blake Sennett. It is the first concert I have wanted to never end. It was amazing.

I have been extremely emotional lately. It is as if these androids control me and have deterearated every last bit of my strength. Then I was hit by "rational" who soared down from space and struck me right across the face. Things are looking up and I am trying to be more emotionally settled. Thanks for seeing the good in me and being so forgiving. <3 You are beautiful sand, and I am oceans, the moon is why we are pulled together.
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