in your eyes anymore

Jun 21, 2010 23:54

hm. So it's been awhile since I showed my face in the updating/interaction with any bit of livejournal friendland. Sorry about that. Minor lapses happen. Or at least that's what I tell others when they make awful mistakes. I'm working on this consistency thing. It should be hashed out soon. =)

As for what I've been up to, not so much. Work is owning my life (and I have nothing to show for it. Surprise.) They always call me in for dinky shifts because "it'll be busy" but I just stand there. But if they want to pay me for that, they absolutely can. Example- Sunday (Father's Day) I was scheduled 12-8. I pretty much stood around until 6, when people started coming (all at once mind you) and was slinging ice cream until quarter to 10. I was out right on time. ha. The best was at 8 I say to the manager that I can stay later. his response: "Oh, you're staying past 8 o'clock!" in a humorous/desperate tone. He sent home the greeter though because she had no idea what she was doing. I hate when they hire dumb people.

I've been able to drive myself to work. My parking still sucks so I park out in No Man's Land behind the restaurant because I still can't aim for a parking spot. I am turning around in the driveway just fine though. I'm still practicing. ha. Though it is scary to walk that far to the car at night. Thank God my Mom's car has a clicker so I can unlock the car to see where I'm going. Otherwise I'd be bookin' it. And that would be a sight to see.

I finally got to spend some money! I had a $10 reward card from Old Navy, so I treated myself to some clothes. I also needed a new wallet (for some time now) and I bought two from Etsy (I love that site!), and I need to buy bras because Cacique is having their semi-annual sale until July 11. It's buy 2 get 2 free on bras, and they are kick ass. I usually cry while bra shopping, but not there. Well, if I do they're happy tears. =)

I go back to school in almost two months to the day. Wooo last year! I have a couple of messes to sort out when I get there, so it should be interesting. I might yell at a couple of people, and cry if I don't get my damn Speech Comm. minor, but it shouldn't get too out of hand. For that there's the liquor store. And graduation.

Have a good one, all! =)
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