i like watching the puddles gather rain...

Jan 02, 2009 22:48

Dicitonary.com word of the day:
xanthous \ZAN-thuhs\, adjective: yellow; yellowish

Fact about me: When I was little (I don't even remember it happening) during the holidays I was playing with an ornament on the Christmas tree. Apparently it was an exciting thing because the tree fell right on me. So this Christmas when the tree fell down at my sisters house (when I wasn't there but she sent me a picture of it) I was afraid because where the tree fell was where I was going to be sleeping that night. I just didn't want another replay of what happened when I was a young one. Ha ha.

Question for you (if you choose to answer): What was your first pet? What was his/her name?

Photo of the day: I left my memory card in my computer all night and now my computer is being mean and and recognizing any memory cards. I took one, just imagine a spider plant on a nightstand and the plant's leaves are turning brown on the tips. My camera cord is MIA (or at school, whatever comes first) so I'll post it another time.

And that ends my dailies here. Ha ha. As for how my day went, pretty darn good if you ask me. I was up this afternoon (need to stop doing that!) and just hung around until I had to go to work at five. Or so I thought. I got ready and there and when I clocked in the computer asked for the manager's card because my clock in was at six. Oops. So I hung around there for an our before I could clock in.

Before work I put some more music on my mp3 player. Only half of my music left to go! Wa. Hoo. The xanthous (!) glow of the metaphorical traffic light just changed to green because I need to go and get the rest of this shit done before I go back to Bradford on Sunday (at noon! Ahh!) I hope I can get it all done.

1. Sew letters on Jess's sweatshirt
2. Wrap Sarah's gift
3. Somehow pull three more Christmas gifts out of my ass (taken in a literal sense, this could either be painful or extremely awkward to the recipient of said gift)
4. Clean room. Easier said than done.
5. Do laundry (debatable. it might be dead enough at school to do my laundry on Monday)
6. Pack
7. I'm reserving this space for whatever I can't remember. I feel like there's more...

While I think, you all have a wonderful night/day/whatever! =)
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