Title: Honey Sweet Kitchen
Artist: Yamamoto Kotetsuko
Genre: Seinen
Volumes: 2 (ongoing)
Summary: Introducing Minato, who just after entering university dropped out and became the board chairman of the cooking school her recently deceased grandmother left behind. The head of confectionary - Nakamura, explains to Minato the school’s current position. Heading the advice of her childhood friend and current Chinese cuisine chef Ichika-kun, Minato inquires the popular Japanese cuisine chef, the handsome Akiyama, and the Italian cuisine chef - Maeda, to become lecturers at the school. The kind and gentlemanly Akiyama, the unfriendly and strict Maeda, the splendid, despite his cute exterior, Ichika, the cool and mysterious Nakamura….Together with the 4 handsome chefs, Minato is opening the cooking school. What will happen from here on…!?
Raw Provider:
Team Fairy Rose PROGRESS- translator: yaoi_cat - chapter 5 | chapter 6
- proofreader: --- - chapter 5 | --- - chapter 6 | --- - chapter 7
- cleaner: fj - chapter 5 | --- - chapter 6 | --- - chapter 7 | --- - chapter 8
- typesetter: --- - chapter 5 | --- - chapter 6 | --- - chapter 7 | --- - chapter 8