Title: Fukurou-kun to Kare
Artist: Yamamoto Kotetsuko
Genre: Yaoi, Comedy, Romance
Volumes: 1 (Complete)
Year: 2011
Adapted From:
Chuchun ga ChunSummary: This spring, Tokyo TV’s newly employed announcer Fukuro was given the task to gather information and do a close report on the infamous hunk of the professional baseball world; Shiratori Reiichi. Given this important opportunity Fukuro is determined to do his best! However, the following morning he wakes up to a stark naked Shiratori sleeping beside him, trouble ensues! The demanding and selfish Shiratori with the hard working and Timid Fukuro! Watch as their love story unfolds.
Raw Provider: Kain @
Team Fairy RoseTranslator: Common Poorwill
♚ Chapter 1b - scanned | translated | proofed | cleaned : Ashenta + Shari | typed | qced
♚ Chapter 2 - scanned | translated | proofed | cleaned : Ashenta | typed | qced
♚ Chapter 3 - scanned | translated | proofed | cleaned : Ashenta | typed | qced
♚ Chapter 4 - scanned | translated | proofed | cleaned : Ashenta | typed | qced
♚ Chapter 5 - scanned | translated | proofed | cleaned : Ashenta | typed | qced