Mar 10, 2004 10:43
Please excuse my little tirade from this morning. I’m in class right now and it is quite boring so I’m gonna write in here about…something. So…I never wrote about it in here before, but last semester my car liked to…move. I would pull it into my space and the then next time I would go out…it would be facing the opposite direction. A couple times it moved to completely different spaces. The first couple times it happened it really freaked me out. I told the boys about it and they told me that I was on crack-which became a running joke between the three of us. At one point…I was in the backseat of Dan’s car complaining about it…and Nick got this little shit-eating grin on his face so right then I knew they had something to do with it. They wouldn’t fess up to it, so I just kind of dealt with it. Well…I bought a new car over break. Monday night I was in Dan’s room waiting for him and Nick to get ready for dinner. I was sitting in Bryan’s popazon chair and Dan hands me this key. I knew by TOUCH that it was a key to Miss Daisy. But I was like, “What’s this?” anyway.
Dan: “It’s a key.”
Me: “Well, duh. What’s it for?”
Nick: “It’s of no further use to us.”
So…it turns out that they had a key to my car and was moving it. It certainly answers a lot of my questions, but leaves others still lingering. I don’t know how they got my key off my keychain. And because I didn’t know how they could have done it…I didn’t think they were able to move my car. The only way-in my mind-that they could move my car was to pick the lock, put my car in neutral and push it. But that’s too much work for the two of them. Having the key answers that question. But I still don’t know how or when they took my original key to have a copy made. And Dan won’t tell me. I asked him at dinner and he was like, “When was the first time it moved?”
Me: “I don’t remember. It moved a lot.”
Dan: “Well…right before the first time. That’s when we did it.” So…basically…the prank of the CENTURY on me…is over.
Being around Dan and Nick is like home to me. They make me feel less jaded and spiteful of the world. I’ve definitely turned a corner as far as how I feel about them goes. I mean, I still get sad when I think about next year…and not having them. But right now I’m just trying to enjoy the time I DO have with them. I have so much fun with them, I smile and laugh a lot. Granted Nick can be an asshole sometimes, but at least Dan is good to me. The Wednesday before break he and I went up-campus to get our G-passes and then we went to dinner @ McDonald’s. I had one of my many Randomness CDs in my stereo and on the way to McDonald’s the Violent Femmes “Gimme the Car” came on. Dan thought that was pretty cool and we both sang along. Yesterday…before it was time for us to leave for class he came into my room and gave me a CD. The Violent Femmes greatest hits. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes. Served to reinforce that Dan really cares about me. I wish I could say the same for Nick. I mean, yeah, we’re friends, but I still get the feeling that we’re just friends out of convenience. Dan gives me a CD out of the kindness of his heart, I don’t even have to ask for it. And I ask Nick time and time again to make me beads and he forgets. Bah. The two of them mean so much to me. So much more than I ever thought they would. They are the reason I haven’t lived up to my promise to Smitty (who I got an e-mail from yesterday!) to party harder than anyone on campus. I’d rather sit in Nick’s room on a Friday night and watch a movie than go out and get drunk with frat guys. I love having friends that want to be with me everyday on a regular basis. I’ve never had friends like that. I mean, Mal-mal was sorta like that, but until senior year we didn’t get together that much on weekends…same with Burnsi. But Nick, Dan, and I do basically everything together. We usually eat together-except on the days we all have class at weird time intervals…like today. Dan and I walk to class together on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For the most part we usually watch a movie in Nick’s room almost every night of the week. We snowboard together…well…we ride to the mountain together, after that, I’m basically on my own. It just makes me happy to have friends like that. I’m going to miss them as dearly as I miss all my friends back home next year. Them not coming back is a sore spot for me, because I feel like I’m getting jipped. Not by them. By life. I mean, I now have to conduct all of my DEAREST and CLOSEST friendships online or over the phone. It would be nice to have something constant, people who make me feel special NEAR me. That’s what Dan and Nick are. After this year I will PROBABLY never see either of them again, let alone talk to Dan. He doesn’t use IM…so…I don’t know how we will keep in touch, but if our friendship was meant to be-as I believe it is-perhaps it will be able to continue somehow. Nick and I will talk on IM, but I’m just so bitter about him leaving sometimes I wish I could just forget about him. I don’t know if either of them have been accepted to their respective schools…but I’d imagine that they have been. I wish there was some way that I could keep at least Nick here. I know Dan needs to transfer, I’ve seen what happens to him because he’s not closer to home and it’s not good. But, Nick…I’m bitter about that. He’s transferring to UCSC to be with his friends from high school. College is supposed to be a time when you try new things and meet new people…NOT attach yourself to the people you spent all your time with in high school. Maybe I just think that because I was forced to be separated from my friends. But even if I’d stayed in Pennsylvania…I would have been separated from them. Mal-mal doesn’t go to school, Jess goes to Edinborough, Jeff goes to Drexel, Burnsi goes to LVC, Houder goes to Millersville, Andrea goes to Shippensburg. There’s no place I could have gone that I could have been with more than one of my friends. Nick however…Adam, Alex, and Lilian all go to UCSC. Maybe it’s just me…but that kid is never gonna grow up if he doesn’t let himself experience new things without them. *shrugs*
Anyways, I’d better stop writing for the time being. Need to learn about Frank Lloyd Wright.