My so called friends.

Dec 18, 2005 02:03

I realized, how much I miss the old days. I mean I now I've talked about it before, but like I actually witnesed it first hand today. But at the same time, I realized that I can't dwell on the past and I still have a future with both the people of old, and the people of new. Some really hard conclusions came today. I realized that in the next few months (few months meaning like nine but seriously it'll go faster then you think) I'm going to have to say good bye to a dear friend.

I'm going to cry like hell when that happens, but it'll happen. But I plan to help her move. Be there to help pack her in. Do Everything in my power to be able to say goodbye with a striaght face. I'm going to have to realize I won't be there for her when shit goes down and idk how I'll be able to do that. But one thing I do know is that she can take care of herself. I know she'll be making good friends up there, and she has a good judgement of people. I'm just going to have to sulk at home and miss her, but realize that she'll be okay.

On a side note, I love my SJC friends, all of them. They're simply good times, to put it into a phrase. I can't wait for ski trip '06, only 15 days away. it's going to be mad fucking good times. well I guess I'll post more later

Love ya

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