Jul 29, 2005 01:10
So okay heres the story.
Me and this kid Sopko are sitting on tower, being the awesome guards we are our eyes aren't on the water and we're etching our names in the tower. Well occionally we glanced at the water. Suddenly I see Sopko (he's an LGI, I'm an LGIII) stand up looking at these two girls. I saw what he was looking at. He being a rookie of course hesitated because he doesn't know what to do. I jump in with all my clothes on (mean my shirt and my shorts I wear over my bathing suit) and I swim in after them. As I'm swimming ot them I'm thinking a few things. One what if I don't make it in time. Two these girls aren't out too far maybe they're fucking with me. Three didn't I see them swim to the end of the swimming area just a few hours before? So I swim over to them and they just jumped on me. Now they're ages are like 17 and 19, about that. They were pretty light plus being in water so I could carry both of them. But the thing is I was STANDING!!!!. Both of them were definately my height, so they had to be able to stand too. So anywasy I'm bringing them into shore and they're mom is yelling at them in German or some shit. (they were really hot btw) And I just keep thinking to myself, they had to be able to stand. So I think they were just fucking with me, which pisses me off b/c then I had no clothes for the rest of the day which was only the next hour and a half but that meant I had to drive home shirtless and in just my bathing suit. Well yes so thats my story on how I had a Double Rescue today. Please tell me what you think of these too girls. Do you think they were fucking with me or that they were actually going down. I don't know if you can do that without actually having been there, but just take a guess. Okay kids good night.