Aug 05, 2006 09:05
Alright, so we're at T- some type of time sechedual. Life last night was actually quite humorous for me. I did the usual things that entitle a friday night. The best part of it all, was I got some SERIOUS work done.
I'm pretty tired. This is some rudimentry bullstuff to say the least. I miss my # 3 so much right now i wanna just telaport myself to the b-ball court. Due to me working all night, I imagine that this simply profound.
Scratches eye.
So last night I did so much. Visited so many. It was kinda like an Oyster of fun. Boston Kim felt the need to tell me that I'm now a drunk. Ha! Our mindless banter goes everywhere and no where. It's quite humorous. I mean, like, mediphorific (sp) speaking, non-sense I tell you.
I'm leaving now we can just call this a draw.
"Back to the drawing board, with the words you've heard a million times before, in my head..."