Mar 03, 2005 17:39
well were to start i guess lets go back to were we just left of the trip. Me and Bobby were still kinda seeing each other but i realy was mad at i was yelling at him and then he syated to lwugh in my face aso i go even more mad and walked out. so we went on our trip. i realy tryed not think about him at all throught the trip and i think i didnt a good job to. the trip was super cool. the playes were realy good to. most of the time we were just seeing plays. they were alot of hot guys there. but i didnt get the ball to go talk to anyof them. so i stayed with my cast for most of the time. but there were times were i left and had my fun with "someone".so when we got back to the hotel after ever day we would just hang out. we all had a littel bit of fun if you know what i was pertty crazy. i had a realy good time. so when i got back home my mom and dad got me new stuff for my room wich was super cool. then on sunday me sabay and clara went to the jupeter sunrise show wich kicked ass. i got on top of the stage and made a bad atempt of danceing with them. but i meat the hole band. i came back to school me and bobby ended it and he has some one allready and me the loser has no one. well i am going to leav it as that b/c i just dont want to go on.