Ron Livingston's Nightmare...

Nov 10, 2006 10:16

Yesterday, I had the worst traffic ever on the way to work: it was also crappy humid rainy weather. It ended up taking a full hour and a half to do a 40 minute trip. On the bus, the song "Mambo #8" came on my mp3 player (I just almost spelled that 'pleyer', haha), otherwise known as the opening song featured in the movie "Office Space", when Ron Livingston is stuck in horrible traffic and old people on the street are passing him by walking. I knew the song was on the mp3 player of course but the timing was perfect: we were sitting, absolutely not moving, at a single light trying to get on Mass Ave for literally 10 minutes. I imagined a crouching, elderly man ambling along by on the street going twice as fast as us, etc. Like Ron, I was pretty angry and upset by this, but at least I had some books, which he didn't.

On the other hand, today, there was great weather, and not much traffic at all (it's a holiday many places close for). It took < 40 minutes to get to Boston. When I was walking to Starbucks to celebrate my random block of unexpected time with an iced mocha (thanks Abby!), a block of traffic was stuck trying to go in the other direction, out of Boston, and was just sitting there, with people beeping angrily at each other for random reasons. I was walking up the hill at least 100 times faster than they were moving, and that's when the Perez Prado song came on once again. Eehee!
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