When life gives you lemons, stick them down your shirt to make your boobs look bigger. :D

Jun 13, 2006 10:18

More Results behind the cut, yo.

"When life gives you lemons..." What's YOUR outlook on life? (With Pics!)

"If life gives you lemons, stick them down your shirt to make your boobs look bigger."**********You have a possitive outlook on life!You take what life gives and turn it around to make it work for you. Everything happens for a reason, so why not make the most of it?
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Which Firework are you? (real pics taken by ME!)

You are the Surprise Firework! You surprise people with your witty remarks, and once you get warmed up to your surroundings, you can really express who you are. You, like the Fun Firework, have a personality that makes people just go 'wow!' Good for you! You are talented in many areas, but you haven't discovered all of them. You aren't afraid to be different, and I respect that about you. You show your true colors, even if they are a little..um...different. please rate! i worked hard on this quiz and even took the pictures myself. It only takes a second to make a huge difference to me!
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What makes you happy?(great pix,honest results)

The thing that makes you happy is accomplishment. It doesn't matter if it's financial or at school, you just love sucses and want to proove yourself to everyone around.Your confidence is among your strongest qualities and you sure know how to use it (sometimes even to manipulate others who aren't as fortunate).You have lots of friends, not many of them really love you though, most are just jelous or admire you and want to learn how to be you. Not that you're a bad person, it's just that sometimes you use your friends to make you feel better about yourself - and don't you think they wont notice.In love your type of person can only be happy when finding a mirror image of himself...someone who understands and will not stand in the way of any of your main goals. He/she'll be caring, protective and at the same time - like a trophy, he/she wont mind if you want to show him/her off a little bit to of your friends or parents.Good luck and please rate if you liked the result.
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