Nov 03, 2006 19:00
had my last driving lesson today. it's funny, i've gone from being terrified to go over 20 or be around other cars to yelling at the instructor lol. but hey, if the choice is to get slammed by a moving car or tap a parked car, i'm going for the parked car (neither happened, but that was the direction i was leaning in that little squeeze situation). road test is next thursday, and i'm still eyeing the Beetle around the corner... my uncle up the street said he would take a look at it with me when i'm ready to buy. will have to talk to someone at my bank when i go on thursday to see about getting a small loan.
as soon as i'm driving, i'm looking for a part time job and/or a better full time job. i've had to deal with a lot of idiocy this week, and i'm getting sick of it. i need to not work in the mental health field in any capacity because most of the people who go into it are themselves not quite all together in the head. the exception might be if our resident Dane starts the private practice he's working toward, and he's mentioned, i hope not just teasingly/flatteringly, that he would hire me as his personal secretary.
what else... i haven't posted much lately because there hasn't been much worth talking about lol. button is healing well, and i got a snazzy new barbell with a sunburst dangle for when i can change it (in another 2 to 4 weeks). tattoo has healed nicely and am getting lots of compliments on it. i seem to have a bit of a rash/acne breakout around it, though, probably from all the constant lotion, so it's kinda itchy. gotta find out when i can stop lubing it lol.
looked quite hot as a pirate for Samhain, both at K's party and at work. i have to say, the work outfit ended up being the more authentic-looking costume, as opposed to the trying-hard-to-look-sexy costume. since i had to go more conservative for work, i had on a blousy, notch-collar brown shirt, versus the bell-sleeve shirt and bodice that i wore to the party... and ended up taking off after the alcohol started to kick in lol. got some good pics before that, though. i was the only one who dressed up for work and got some good reactions, esp. from the patients. the next day, there was a '50s sock hop luncheon at work, and we were allowed to dress for that, too. i was in pigtails with cuffed pants and loafers with a silk scarf around my neck. again, the only one to dress up. one of the administrators loved the costumes both days, and joked that we should start a fund raiser where i dress in costume once a week and people have to buy tickets to guess who i am lol.
haven't slept much this week for one reason or another, so i'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend.