May 23, 2006 17:48
something's terribly wrong. i have an insatiable urge to go shoe shopping.
since i have that shrug to go with my slutty shirt, i keep thinking that i now need to get cute shoes to complete the outfit. because really, how can i wear black shoes with brown and orchid? it would just be wrong. i need matching shoes. orchid shoes would rule because then i could wear them with that frilly skirt i got last year, too. i only wore the frilly skirt twice last year, mostly because i didn't have a shirt i liked with it. the t-shirts i had in that color family were too casual and the buttondown i have wasn't quite right, either. so now i need a lavender shirt. omgshopping.
i was talking to J about the shoe thing last night, expecting eye-rolling and exasperation over the whole "women love shopping" thing, but instead he actually seemed supportive in my newfound interest in girlieness lol. he suggested that it had a lot to do with the weight loss, and he's right. when i was heavier, i felt like it didn't matter how girlie i tried to be, i'd still be hideous, so it didn't matter. now i feel much less ridiculous when i make an effort to look good.
so i went into work an hour later and stayed an hour later yesterday and today so we could do a record purge (2002 charts). for all my new girlieness, it was nice to be butch and sling around boxes for a while lol. i'm glad we only needed two days, though, because i'm so backed up on my work, not to mention coming in that hour later really messed up my schedule. bosslady's talking about purging the 2003s, but that won't be for another week at least, and that's if she even decides to do it.
had a thought the other day that the Malibu syrup and coke might be good with B&J vanilla ice cream in it... tested my theory when i got home today, and i was right, but i drank it too fast and now i have a bellyache lol.
this is the last week of Idol. Chris got voted off two weeks ago, so i don't much care anymore other than FUCKING KATHERINE CAN'T WIN. i'm voting tonight, dammit. and if she wins i'm never watching it again.