Having your picture taken

Feb 10, 2012 15:42

(Okay, I write too much. I don't care.)

Not liking to have your picture taken today seems to be the equivalent of being childish. Even I think that when someone else hides their face or runs away when somebody tries to take their picture, but then I think twice about it and realise I don't like it either.

However, I don't mind it if they ask permission first. "Hey, do you mind if I take a picture of you?" makes me say, "oh, yeah, sure" (provided I know the person or know the reason behind this particular request), while "Say cheese! *snap*" makes me think, "Say please! *crack*"
Having your picture taken can be fun, even, like at photoshoots and such.

Photography is an increasingly popular hobby nowadays, and while that's fine, it doesn't automatically give people permission to take pictures of other people, whether they be strangers or acquaintances or friends. The same goes with filming. "Here is my group of friends, let me film them for you so the entire Internet can see that I have friends that I use as tools in order to fool the Internet into believing I'm popular".

I completely ruined that illusion by hiding my face and groaning. (Like I said: it appears childish, doesn't it?)

This is why most of my own pictures feature animals and nature, occasionally with a humanoid figure in the far background. Should I wish to take a picture of a person, I ask permission, even if it means I'll have to repeat myself the entire day (like at cosplay conventions and such).

I don't mean to sound like I think I'm better than other people. I do mean to sound like I wish people were aware of the fact that taking someone's picture without permission is, to some people, quite rude.

I also wish there was a way to tell people this without coming off as childish.

thinking out loud

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