Getting Warmer

Mar 22, 2010 15:53

Spring is here, it seems.  Yesterday I didn't put the heating on at all, which was rather nice.   I wonder if I'll manage that today?

I've applied for a ticket for the special Thank-you-to-Llandaf screening of the new Dr Who.  No guarantees that I'll get one but as they're offering up to five per household, I'll be really pissed off if I don't get just one.

I've also just written around a thousand words of smut to liven up the early part of Taking the Initiative.  This is a Spangel story which developed from a prompt on nekid_spike  back in November, I think it was.  I made a manip for the prompt  Abduction as Seduction and it turned itself into a story banner.   So I had to start writing a story to go with it.  I had hoped to get it finished within a week but it grew, and the days shrank and my energy dropped and I was stuck at around 8k words, with way more to go.

It was okay, and a bit of encouragement from whichclothes after reading it through so far, helped, but I felt that, even though I was putting off the sex for a reason, it needed a bit of spicing up - so I decided on some flashback sex.  Hence today's little addition.  I'm now up to 9,100 words and perhaps another 3-5k will finish it.  The trouble is that it keeps wandering off and introducing scenes and dialogue that I hadn't planned (a tree-house and starfish?), so although I know what I need to finish it, I don't know what will happen along the way.  Nice to be getting a bit farther with it, though - even if I had to go backwards to do it.

I haven't seen the Queen of Sheba for the last couple of days.  Perhaps she's decided that she has got a home to go to - and more importantly to be fed at - after all.  I was beginning to think that Malley was convening a harem for me to feed.  She's a pretty little thing, though, and very friendly - stalked right into the house the other night as I was putting the food down for them.  Tinkerbell is staying faithful, though, she was shouting for her food this morning when I went down.

Blue is so good with them - even when Sheba came right in to the hall, he stood back.  He's so polite with them - he usually stays out of sight at the end of the hall or at the top of the stairs when I'm putting the food out at night in the porch, so as not to scare them.

I'm watching Buffy right through again.  Finished S2 last night and will be forging ahead with S3 later today, I expect.

There are a hell of a lot of queries that are posed, though, watching it this time around.  I need to make a list of the mistakes, and such in just S2.   Plus, what the hell, is a Pep Rally?  And how many years comprise 'High School'?  I though it was two, like sixth form but there appears to be three years.

Also, what the hell is all the fuss about Willow's dating a 'senior' when she's in only the year below him?  I could understand it might be worth mentioning if she was 14 and dating an 18-year-old, though I should imagine that's pretty common in a mixed school (I wouldn't know about such things *G*).  All in all, it really bears absolutely no comparison to my school days, in the slightest.   And school finishes at 2.30 - what the hell?

It's easier to suspend disbelief when it comes to vampires and such, accepting what I suppose is real is much more difficult.  And when do those kids ever have exams, damn it?

buffy, my fic, animals

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