Fic: All In The Cards; Day 2

Oct 07, 2010 04:06

Title: All In The Cards
Author: ceredwensirius
Pairing: Sirius/James, Lily/James (unrequited), Sirius/Lily (unrequited), Sirius/Remus (unrequited)
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 739
Prompt: Day 2
Warnings: references to sex
Summary: Something is going to give at some point and the only unknown variable is Sirius.
Author's Notes: Unbeta’d, forgot to say that on the last one. I have no clue where this is going. Hee!

It doesn’t take Lily long to reappear. She’s spills out of Honeydukes with a gaggle of squawking girls, a freshly unwrapped Sugar Quill in her tight, small fist. Sirius and James are still trading innuendo that has gone from mild to disgusting, and Remus retreats to a long wooden bench with his book. He’s got his own stakes tied up in this, but it’s already crowded with three and there’s never been any room for him anyway.

“That wasn’t me, that was you, mate, with your arse in the air and your backside covered in-”

James pauses at the sound, head lifted just slightly like a stag sniffing the air, body tense. It isn’t James Remus is watching though, it’s Sirius. He searches the long, lean lines for some discernible clue and gets lost momentarily in the beauty of Sirius. A contrast to James’ wary stance, Sirius is relaxed as he moves into an easy lope, giving ground to Evans.

“God, look at her sucking on that; she’s going to stop his heart.”

Remus doesn’t respond with anything more than a mild sound of agreement and turns the page of his book. The bench shakes as Sirius drops in beside him and looks over his shoulder at what he’s reading. Sirius will get bored in a moment and though it feels nice to have him sitting this close, there is no point in getting excited about it.

“It’s not too late for that Butterbeer, Evans!”

James has apparently found his voice but not anything particularly useful to do with it. Remus looks at the scene through his eyelashes and sees that Evans can’t help herself and is charging over to confront James. She shoots glances at Sirius as well, but he’s not paying attention to her. He’s got an elbow on the table and is turned away from her, watching Remus watch their friends.

“Could he get any more pathetic? He‘ll be begging soon and then I’ll have to kill him for his own good.”

Remus risks a quick glance at Sirius beside him and sees a wide grin and careless hair and remembers why that was a mistake. He looks back at James and wishes Sirius didn’t understand as much as he does about physical clues giving away ones thoughts unwarranted. Sirius was so excited after their first moon together, right before Christmas. As a dog he just knew how to communicate with Moony, was amazed at how just a small gesture, a shift in stance could communicate so much. Then he went home. If Sirius was difficult to read before, he was impossible after that. He had learned to lie with his body and Remus hadn’t thought that was even possible.

“One less boy to fantasize over. Maybe she’ll calm down once she’s not trying to decide between the two of you.”

The chill he feels from beside him is arctic. He doesn’t need to look at Sirius to know the glass cool expression is in place. Remus doesn’t particularly care. Something is going to give at some point and the only unknown variable is Sirius.

“And I suppose I’m entirely without options? I’ll just follow her crooked finger like an obedient dog?”

Remus hates that he doesn’t understand what he’s missed. He hears the frost in Sirius’ tone but doesn’t completely understand the origins. He glances over at James and sees that he is standing so he can he argue with Evans and watch what is happening at the wooden bench between Sirius and Remus. It’s completely obvious that he’s fighting down a jealous reaction - which is ludicrous - and fend off Evans who is now fumbling for her wand. What is there at this table for James to be jealous of?

“You better go help him. He’s about to have his bollocks handed to him.”

Sirius rises in a swift, smooth economy of motion and lopes over to James to lend a hand. Any emotion he’d allowed is secured, giving nothing away as he throws an arm around James’ shoulder and gives his mouth a kiss.

“If he’s too much man for you, I’ll take him off your hands.”

There is a flash of light and a loud bang but Remus doesn’t look up. He focuses on the page in front of him which contains an early rendition of a large turret reaching skyward, a bolt of lighting splitting the sky in half.

c: james potter, p: james/sirius, c: sirius black, c: remus lupin, fest: mm&h, p: remus/sirius, c: lily evans, p: lily/james, p: sirius/lily

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