Fic: Stay - Oct 2

Oct 05, 2010 11:11

Title: Stay
Author: xkeijukainenx
Recipient: Everyone?
Pairing: Gen. R/S if you're looking for it.
Rating: G
Word Count: 700
Prompt: Day 2
Warnings: None
Summary: A small moment between friends.
Author's Notes: If you squint you can see the beginnings of slash, I guess. Follows from October 1 but could be a stand alone too, I think. :)

The smell of the infirmary hit Sirius’ nose with its usual acerbic sting. He winced; it always made his stomach turn, the combination of blood and vomit lying low beneath the tang of disinfectant and scouring spells. He supposed it was the canine thing that made him more susceptible to it, and it was the one time he cursed his heightened sense of smell.

Remus lay on a bed in a room that you could only see if you had permission - until third year they’d had to sneak in behind Pomfrey while wearing the invisibility cloak. Sirius still used the cloak when visiting; no good would come from people noticing them making regular visits to the infirmary. (Remus had tried to point out that since either James or Sirius was usually there at least once every other day, people would hardly notice, but he was secretly glad that Sirius understood caution in the one case it really mattered to him.)

“Hey,” Sirius called softly. Remus moaned and turned over, prying his eyes open blearily.

“‘lo, Pads.”



Smiling, Sirius climbed up on the bed, sitting next to Remus in the space he’d created by shifting marginally over.

“Wasn’t such a bad moon, was it?”

Remus shrugged and closed his eyes again. “Could have been better.”

“Moony seemed content.”

“That’s because you let him gorge himself on rabbits. And possibly a skunk. Yuck.” Remus made a sound as if to retch and Sirius readied a bed pan - but Remus regained his composure and sighed, snuggling in to Sirius’ side.

James and Peter only came to see him in the infirmary if he had to stay past lunchtime, now. But Sirius would always be there for an hour or so before breakfast, all through lunch and even after classes, depending on how bad the moon had been. He was different while he was there too, Remus mused - he was much more grounded and calm and much less manic and self-conscious. He even permitted physical affection which usually he abhorred. Or at least pretended to (in a desperate plight to be manly, you understand).

“Saved you these from the Potters’ Prophets this summer,” Sirius said gently, pulling out the coupons he’d clipped. “Remembered your strange obsession with coupons - and I know you don’t get the Prophet anymore so don’t pretend you’ve already seen them.”

Remus smiled. “Thanks, Pads.”

“Was going to give you them day before yesterday but...”

“Oh right, how’d that go anyways? Madeline, was it?”

“It was fine. She’s fairly fit, Maddy... didn’t shag her though.”


“Nah. Too much slobber in the kisses. Not a big turn on, really.”

“Pads. You’re a dog.”


Remus smiled and tried to stifle a yawn.

“S’alright. There are other birds in the sea. Sleep if you want, Moony.”

“I’m o-o-okay. Phew.” Another yawn racked Remus’ body and he winced a little with pain as scars stretched and bruises twanged.

“Bollocks. Want me to go so you can rest?”

Remus bit his lip and looked up at his best friend warily. Sirius was the only person who got to see him like this, anymore, at his most vulnerable, and he still wasn’t sure he liked it. Feeble noises and pitifully ginger movements didn’t do wonders for his image as the disinterested, sarcastic one. Neither did soft requests and pleas for help, be they verbal or non-verbal. But somehow, this was the one time he didn’t care - and Sirius was good enough and knew him well enough to know that this was not something to tease about.

“No, stay, will you?”

“Sure,” Sirius smiled and settled back on the pillows. “It’s been ages since I went to Transfiguration anyways. What more can I miss?”

Remus smiled and let Sirius pull his head onto his chest. “More comfortable like this, Moony. You sleep now.”

“Tell me more about Maddy,” Remus yawned. “Or whoever’s next on the list.”

Sirius grinned and complied, playing gently with Remus’ hair the way he knew, from first year, was bound to send him to sleep, and thought that it was good to be back.

c: sirius black, c: remus lupin, fest: mm&h

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