Title: Scenes from a Hogsmeade Pub
beedailyPairing: Lily/James
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 13,691
Prompt: 63. "Still I wonder why it is/ I don't argue like this / With anyone but you." - Corinne Bailey Rae "Like a Star"
Warnings: Language.
Summary: The Three Broomsticks is the setting for five significant scenes in Lily and James's relationship.
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""Yeah, yeah, in a minute." Potter shifts restlessly on the bench across from her. "Listen. I've been thinking lately-"
"Well. Something new and different for you."
Potter pulls a face. "Yeah, thanks. I'll try not to make a habit of it. But anyway, now that you've rightly binned Cockpot Crebbins-""
James was just hilarious in the beginning of the chapter.
""Potter. You don't even like me," she says slowly. "And I don’t like you! What in the world would possess you to think that this was even a remotely rational idea?"
"I like you plenty!" Potter claims, affronted."
- "I like you plenty"... What a why to get a girl... Too funny!!! Obviously he does makes a foul out of himself in the end. I was actually a bit embarrassed for him and his behavior... He tried to be cute and all, but in the end his ego wouldn't allow it. 15-year-old James is a bit of an ass, but he's definitely funny and still kind of adorable!!!
In the second encouters things were less funny and way more adorable. I loved how James let Lily cry in peace. And I loved his interaction with Rosmerta.
In the end, you made me laugh out loud yet again:
"Lily shrugs. "I'm a firm believer in cosmic balance. It'll even itself out eventually. New mates or something of the sort."
Potter perks up instantly. "I'm a brilliant mate!""
Just Fantastic!!! Now, let's move on to the second part (I'm anxious to read!!!)
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