Mischief Managed ♦ Rules

Nov 05, 2010 09:32

Mischief Managed Rules


Hello, everyone! Your mischief mods would like to welcome you to our Mischief Managed pick-a-prompt fest.

Below is (hopefully) everything you'll need to know about our November-February fest. However if you still have questions, don't hesitate to Page-A-Mod. We've provided links to our community rules-our rules that do not change from fest to fest-for your quick reference. Please familiarize yourself with these.

Next comes our specific rules for Mischief Managed, which just let you know a little bit more about what's expected of your Mischief Managed submissions (word count, anonymity, etc). And finally, we have short explanations that ought to walk you through each part of the fest process from start to finish!

We will be linking to these rules on our Community Links section for easily reference. This is located on the right side of our main page.

Excited yet? We are!

Community Rules

Characters | Genres & Pairings | Eras | Ratings | Submission Requirements | Headers | Reposting Your Work | Posting at the Community | Tagging Your Work

Specific Rules for Mischief Managed and Important Reminders
  1. All fics must be a minimum of 1,000 words, and art pieces must have a comparable amount of effort put into them.
  2. This fest is anonymous. You may not repost your work until after the reveals post goes up.
  3. If you are using Word to prepare your manuscript, please make sure to turn off smart quotes! Tools >> AutoCorrect >> AutoFormat As You Type >> Uncheck "straight quotes with smart quotes".
  4. All fics must be beta read. If you do not have a beta reader, contact one of our volunteer beta readers.
  5. All submissions must be stand alone pieces created specifically for this fest.


November 5th: Prompt collection begins
November 14th: Prompt collection closes
November 15th: Prompt masterlist is posted and participants are given 24 hours to view prompts before claiming begins
November 16th: Claiming begins and will remain open until the submission deadline
February 6th: Submission deadline
February 23rd: Posting begins
March: Flash Fiction/Art Round (optional to participants)
March: Reveals

Note: The mods will announce an official start date for the Flash Round and for the reveals once we have an idea how long posting will take. Expect these dates to be announced before posting begins.


Our prompting dates run from November 5th (at noon EST) through November 14th (11:59 PM EST). During this time, anyone (even if you don't intend on creating a submission for the fest) maybe respond to our prompting post with prompts. A form will be made available for these prompts for both clarity and consistency.

We are not placing restrictions on the number of prompts a person can submit; however, the moderators reserve the right to reject any submissions that we deem offensive in nature (those that might depict misogyny, pornographic images/videos, racism, etc).

The prompting post will be screened to add an extra element of fun to the fest. So even if it doesn't appear that anyone has submitted prompts, that's likely untrue.

Moderators will compile a masterlist of prompts and post the masterlist on Monday, November 15th. There will be a 24 hour freeze on claiming so that everyone has an equal opportunity to look at the prompts.


Claiming opens Tuesday, November 16th (at 4 PM EST) and will remain open until the submission deadline. We keep claiming open to ensure that anyone who wants to participate (but perhaps discovers the fest late) can participate. All claims will be screened.

Claims are made on a first come, first serve basis. Each prompt may be claimed once for fic and once for art. We will try to update the masterlist as quickly as possible (hence the 4 PM start time), but please bear with us. In our claiming form, we will ask you to provide a backup prompt just in case the masterlist isn't up-to-date.

After you post your claim, the mods will reply with a message letting you know that your choice prompt has been claimed. We tend to use a standard form for this.

Lastly, you may claim as many additional prompts as you like as long as you turn in your previous submission before claiming another.

Submitting Your Work

Our fest deadline is Sunday, February 6th (11:59 PM EST).

Please make sure that you include the appropriate header in the body of your email as well as within the document for fics.

Fics can be in .doc, .docx, or .rtf formats. Please include all html tags within your work. Not sure how to do that? Check out the table on this webpage.

All submissions should be emailed to the moderators at mwpp [dot] mischief [at] gmail [dot] com. You will receive a confirmation from the mods when we receive it. Usually we'll get back to you within 24 hours, if not sooner.

Important: Please make sure to include in the subject line of your email: your name, prompt number, and the title of your submission. This makes life so much easier on your mods.

Finally, we understand that real life, unfortunately, can get in the way of things. If for some reason you need to drop out, you must let us know. If you choose not to contact the mods in any form, you forfeit your right to participate in other mwpp_mischief pick-a-prompts and exchanges. If you do contact us to formally drop out, you may continue to participate in future events without repercussion (unless this becomes a reoccurring issue with you).

Please keep in mind that we're flexible people. If you need an extension, contact us about it. More than likely, we can work something out with you. We'd rather have you turn in a submission late than not turn one in at all. The sooner you contact us about an extension, the better.

Flash Round

Our Flash Round is a fun event that occurs between the end of posting and the reveals. During this time, the mods will open up all of the prompts and anyone (even if you weren't a main fest participant) is able to post drabbles based on the fest prompts.

At lilyjames_fest we ran this same event, and the positive response from participants was overwhelming in our fest feedback post. Many found the Flash Round to be one of the most fun aspects of the fest.

If you want to see how it works, check it out.


And lastly, please use the following code to advertise for the fest. It's difficult for the moderators to reach every corner of Marauder-related fandom, though we try. If you help us pimp the fest, not only will we get more fantastic Marauder fic and art, but also we can reach out to more people-people that, otherwise, may be missed. So please, participants, give us a hand in this.

http://www.faelivrin.net/misc/mwpp/bannersmall.jpg" border="2" alt="Mischief Managed banner"/>


Your Mischief Mods

!modpost, fest: mm, !rules

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