Richard Dawkins and the New Store

Oct 29, 2009 12:42

A few weeks ago now I went to see Richard Dawkins (and his eyebrows) speak about his new book in Berkeley. Now, as have you, I've always wondered if famous people ever see the episodes of South Park that they're thrown into. So, naturally, while I waited to have my book signed, I thought, "I'm totally going to ask him!" Now, the two-part Richard Dawkins episode is easily one of the raunchiest over-the-top episodes I've ever seen. And it appears he might agree... "Mr Dawkins, have you ever see the episode of South Park that you were in??" and his response, "Go away!" Hesitance in case he's joking... wait for it... No! No joking! Just walk away, Walter. Goodbye eyebrows. I now have a signed book by an author that's low on sense of humor.

The new store is going decently. Somedays it's overwhelming and somedays it's ok. It's very sporadic. I can never tell before I go to work if it's going to be crazy or not. Every store I've ever worked in has had very specific busy-ness patterns--Tuesday at 10am=slow, Monday at 6pm=busy. This store seems to be some odd exception where one Monday evening is completely hellish with lines to the back of the store (not joking) and the next Monday will be completely calm and maybe even slow!

With that said, I myself am very busy. Work has me working five days a week (And I don't know when four days a week is coming back.) Plus, I still work at the soup kitchen once a week. And now I'm juggling my usual household responsibilities (at least a few hours a week) while maintaining a healthy relationship with Jordan. And my household responsibilities are more serious these days--I'm now the evil landlord liaison, the only person on the lease, and the person who does the bills at the end of the month and gets everything paid. Thank goodness for reality TV. Coming home and watching an episode every couple of days keeps me sane. :D
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